Dear Parents,
This weekend is our 1st
Annual Casino Night presented
by the MAU Parent-Teacher Committee. Come join us on Saturday, April 22nd at 6
PM for dinner, drinks and fun. This is an adult
only event and is
welcome to all friends and family of MAU. Admission is now $20 per person and all
proceeds go towards the committees ongoing projects. The committee meets on the
first Wednesday of each month, if you are interested in contributing to the ideas
The results are in, we raised $2,647.50 for St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital!!!! Way to go MAU
Community!!! Those of you who turned in your prize slip should receive your
prizes within the next few weeks. Thanks again for participating in this event!
We are making some changes to our staff. We are welcoming Ms.
Destany to our Infant and Toddler Community. Ms. Brittney will continue to
support the classroom but will primarily work in the office going forward. We
are making these changes to ensure that there is office staff available to
answer your questions and concerns during Office Hours.
The 2017 Spring Sing will be held at Lincoln Avenue Community
Church located at 1511 Lincoln Avenue in Pomona, CA on Friday, May 19th at 6
p.m. Please note that this day is a minimum day so that the children can go
home and change, eat and be ready to perform for you. We will close at 2:30
p.m. on the day of the performance. A note will go home with your teacher
regarding the desired attire needed for the performance. Children should arrive
at the venue by 5:30 p.m. to be ready to start promptly at 6 p.m. We will also
be having an International Pot Luck directly after in the reception hall. We
are asking that each family bring 8 –12 servings of their favorite main dish,
side or dessert that represents your families’ heritage. Tickets will be
available prior to the event for $2 or $3 at the door. We hope to see you
All classes will be holding their Mother’s Day Events on Monday,
May 15th. You
will receive an invitation from your child with details of the event which is
specific to each class. Please save the date to stop by and spend a little time
with your child so they can honor and serve you on this day.
On Monday, we opened registration to the public on a first-come,
first-serve basis. Please remember to return your Registration Form to the
office along with any applicable fee as soon as possible so that we can
guarantee a spot in the Summer Session and/or Academic School Year for your
child. Our summer theme this year is Animal Adventures. We are currently working on
booking our field trips and will have our schedule complete by the end of next
week so that you can have more information about what our program will offer.
Remember that our summer program includes continued academic work within the
Montessori curriculum.
We are just a month and a half away from the end of the 2016-2017
School Year, can’t believe we are really that close! I would like to take a
moment to recognize the efforts of the Parent-Teacher Committee this school
year. Thank you Ms. Brittney, Ms. Kris, Tara, Paige, Caren, and Ellie for the
events you organized including the Harvest Festival and Casino Night, along
with the funds you raised for our children this school year. I am so glad to
see this committee take shape the way I had always hoped. The PTC is open to
any parent or teacher who would like to give their feed back and lend their
talents to the school community, or just hang out and get to know others in the
MAU community. We hope to see you there!
Thank you parents for your continued support of the school and
your children, “it takes a village”. We are thankful for our wonderful staff
and are proud of the accomplishments of our students. It has been a wonderful
year as we have nearly doubled our student body due in large part to the good
word you are sharing about us with your friends and family.
With many thanks,
Adam Thewes, Administrator
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