Dear Parents,
The second meeting of the Parent-Teacher Committee (PTC) will not take place next week. It has been such a busy first few months to the school year so far. With the Harvest Festival just completed and Parent-Teacher Conferences and Winter Program just around the corner, we have decided to move this meeting. The next PTC meeting will take place Wednesday, December 3rd @ 7 p.m. We invite all to come and help MAU be all it can be, meeting the needs of the student body and the greater school community.
There will also be no Parent Work Day on Saturday, November 8th. A new date is still yet to be determined. We will be totaling our fundraising efforts from the Harvest Festival and then decide which projects to tackle on our next community work day.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Harvest Festival. I have received such positive feedback from our event. I know for me it was truly memorable. I enjoyed seeing so many families attend and get a chance to meet and connect with other families in the school community. Please share pictures of your family at the Harvest Festival on our Facebook page. Special thanks to the Harvest Festival Committee of the PTC for all their efforts in planning and preparation for the event.
Adam Thewes, Head of School